
中翻英: ”比一般設備節省您一半以上的時間”怎麼翻比較好?


中翻英: "比一般設備節省您一半以上的時間"怎麼翻比較好? 寫save you more than a half time with ordinary equipment可以嗎? 謝謝幫忙


"比一般設備節省您一半以上的時間" 直接說法: It will save you more than half the time needed with regular gear. 間接說法: It will be more than twice as time-saving as with regular gear. 2008-10-29 09:30:52 補充: 既然有不止一位大大用了[compare]這個字, 在此提出說明: 1. ComparED with ordinary equipment, it will save you more than half of your time. 2. It saves you more than 50% of time when comparED with ordinary equipment. (主詞是"被比較"的對象, 用p.p.) 2008-10-29 09:31:04 補充: 3. In terms of time, it will BE LESS THAN HALF COMPARED WITH THAT WITH ordinary equipment . (這裡的[IT]是"時間", 所以用[be], 後段的[time]因重複而省略; 因為是拿"時間"來比較, 所以要用[that] with ordinary eqipment). 要用[comparing], 可以這麼寫: You will find it more than twice as time-saving comapring it with ordinary eqipment. 2008-10-29 09:37:33 補充: In terms of time, it will be half the time or less [by] comparing with the ordinary equipment. 這裡的[by], 會使句子的意思成為: "藉由"與一般設備的比較, 就時間而言, 將只要一半或不到. (與原句有出入)


給【blauerosen】 引述『comparing with ordinary equipment, it will save you more than half of your time』 若是把上面的句子看成中文﹐龘會把它看為 『與一般普通設備相比﹐它會為您節省一半以上的時間』 很有幫助的解答。|||||恩... 不太對ㄜ... comparing with ordinary equipment, it will save you more than half of your time. 我覺得這樣比較順啦... 你那樣翻... 如果直接看英文的話... 會覺得是"用了一般的設備, 會節省一般的時間"... 希望有幫到你 (:|||||一般的設備是用 Regular equipment, 指一般通常/標準規格的設備。"節省時間" 用在設備上大部分是用另外一個說法就是"消耗Consume" Comsumes 50% of time compare to the regular equipment.|||||http://www2.worldlingo.com/zh_tw/products_services/computer_translation.html 回答:Saves you half above time compared to the common equipment. http://tw.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt 回答:Saves you more than 50% time compared to the common equipment. 你就2選1吧 上面第一行是網址翻譯網址AC82835628592A17

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